Dr Sarah Harrison 20th August 1982, British
2010 – Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Department of Government, LSE, UK.
2010 PhD in Political Science ‘Ideological (Mis) Match? Mapping Extreme Right Ideological Discourse and Voter Preferences’, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK. Supervisors: Dr Jonathan Hopkin & Prof. Michael Bruter 2006 MRes in Research Methods, Department of Government, LSE, UK 2004 BA in European Studies, Departmental Prize and First Class Honours, Department of European
Studies, Hull University, UK
2010-2011 Research Officer, Research project on Perceptions of Asia in the UK Media funded by Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Singapore & National Centre for Research on Europe (NCRE), University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2010-2011 Research Officer, Research project on European Parliament Elections Campaigns, European University
Institute, Florence 2008-2010 Research Officer, ESRC project on European identity in 27 countries 2004-2008 Research Assistant, Leverhulme project on young party members in Europe 2001-2004 Research Assistant, ESRC project on media, symbols, and identity
2018 Jean Monnet Fellow Europa Policy Labs, National Europe Centre, Australian National University 2017 Europa Fellow, National Europe Centre, Australian National University, Canberra 2005-2010 ESRC 1+3 PhD scholarship, Department of Government, LSE, UK 2004-2005 Visiting fellow, National Europe Centre, Australian National University, Canberra
2019: (Forthcoming) Citizens’ Electoral Psychology in Six Democracies under contract with Princeton University Press (with Bruter)
2018: ‘Young voters’ in the UK General Election 2017 Parliamentary Affairs Special Edition Tonge, J. et al (eds)
2018: ‘The weight of negativity: The Impact of Immigration Perceptions on the Brexit Vote’ in Trumping the Mainstream – The Conquest of Mainstream Democratic Politics by Far-Right Populism Routledge
2017: ‘From emotion to ergonomics: capturing and interpreting voters’ Emotions under different electoral arrangements.’ Nature (Human Behaviour) vol.1 (with Bruter)
2016: Youth participation in Europe: in between hope and disillusion Palgrave (with Cammaerts, Banaji, et al)
2014: ‘The myth of youth apathy: young Europeans’ critical attitudes towards democratic life’ (Cammaerts Banaji, et al) American Behavioral Scientist 58(5): 645-64.
2013: ‘Decoding manifestoes and other political texts’ in Political Science Research Methods in Action, (Lodge et al.) Palgrave
2011: Mapping extreme right ideology (with Bruter) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
2009: ‘Tomorrow’s leaders? A model of young party members’ motivations in 6 European democracies.’ (with Bruter) Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 42.10
2009: The future of our democracies? Young party members in 6 European democracies. (with Bruter) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
2017- Departmental Research Strategy Deputy-Head team, Department of Government, LSE 2011 – Deputy Director of the ECREP initiative in electoral psychology 2011-2013 Representative of Research Staff, School Research Committee; LSE 2010-2012 President of the European Society, LSE, UK
2018 – Advisor for an APPG briefing on the Vote at 16. 2017- Consultant: European Committee of the Regions: Consultation of members’ perceptions of the future of Europe 2017- External Reviewer of Fellowships, Flemish Research Foundation (FWO) 2014- Expert for South Africa Electoral Commission: youth participation and electoral psychology 2015- External reviewer for the European Research Council 2015 Starting Grants Evaluations 2015- Expert for the Palestinian Electoral Commission: effective access to the vote 2014- Keynote speech: European Parliament-European Youth Forum: the vote at 16 2014- Expert for Government of Mauritius: electoral system reform 2014- Keynote speech, European Parliament: democracy and voters’ psychology in Georgia 2013- Examiner, Council of Europe (Category A positions within the Council administration) 2013- Keynote speech, European identity in Britain, Houses of Parliament, UK 2012- External examiner, Birkbeck University, UK: MA in research methodology 2011-12- Consultant: EACEA and DG for Education and Culture, European Commission 2011- Keynote speech, EU-Canada biennial meeting on youth participation, Helsinki
2018 ESRC First & Foremost Co-Principal Investigator £700,000 2018 Santander Fund, UK Principal Investigator £1,500 2017 Department of Government, LSE Principal Investigator £1,680 2016 Department of Government, LSE, Co-Principal Investigator £14,050 2016 Santander Fund, UK Principal Investigator £2,500 2011 European Commission, EU Co-Principal Investigator € 250,000 2011 Abbey Santander, UK Principal Investigator £2,500 2010 National Endowment for Science
Technology, and Arts, UK Principal Investigator £1,800
2014 Shortlisted for Best International Research Award with Prof. Bruter and Opinium – European Identity Project:
Market Research Society Awards 2013 Winner of Best International Research Award with Prof. Bruter and Opinium – Electoral Psychology Project:
Market Research Society Awards 2012 Honourable Mention Award for PhD thesis ‘Ideological (Mis) Match? Mapping Extreme Right Ideological Discourse and Voter Preferences’- Political Psychology Section of American Political Science Association, 2010 Shortlisted for Michael Young Award for Youth Participation Project 2009 Outstanding Achievement Award: ESRC Social Science Work Placement Scheme 2007 Twice recipient of LSE doctoral travel awards 2005- Twice recipient of the “Learn for You” awards, LSE 2004 Thrice recipient of LSE Research Studentships 2004 Departmental Award, European Studies and Modern Languages at the University of Hull.
2019 Organiser Europa Policy Lab, Optimising the Experience of First Time Voters, ANUCES, ANU 2018 Organiser Europa Policy Lab, Electoral Ergonomics & Vulnerable Voters, ANUCES, ANU 2017 Organiser, ECREP workshop in research methods, LSE, UK 2016 Report Launch: Public attitudes towards Brexit, Bloomsbury House, London 2015 ECREP International Conference, LSE, UK 2013- ECREP workshop series in electoral psychology & comparative research methods, LSE, UK
• TEACHING ACTIVITIES 2018- Electoral Psychology in a comparative context: University of Cape Town & LSE summer school 2017- Guest teaching, Research in Electoral Psychology, LSE GV398 2010- Guest teaching, MA course: elections & public opinion in Europe, LSE GV4A2 2012- Guest teaching, PhD research clinic GV515
The EPO Team
Michael Bruter
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Sarah Harrison
Electoral Psychology Observatory.
Laura Serra
Core Researcher
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Sandra Obradović
Core Researcher
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Asli Ceren Cinar
PhD Student
Department of Government, LSE
Mukulika Banerjee
Associate Member
Department of Anthropology, LSE
Eri Bertsou
Associate Member
Department of Political Science, University of Zurich
Florian Foos
Associate Member
Department of Government, LSE
Sarah Hobolt
Associate Member
Department of Government, LSE
Mathias Poertner
Associate Member
Department of Government, LSE
Sophie Lecheler
Associate Member
Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Annick Masselot
Associate Member
School of Law, University of Canterbury
Srishti Ghulani
Research Assistant
Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science, LSE
Agnese Moroni
Research Assistant
Department of Government, LSE
Vida Fatemi
Research Assistant
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Quido Haškovec
Research Assistant
Department of Government, LSE
Eponine Howarth
Research Assistant
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Courtney Leung
Research Assistant
University of Chicago
Sophia Michel
Research Assistant
University of Chicago
Luke Mansillo
Research Assistant
University of Sydney
Ginny Moruzzi
Research Assistant
Department of Government, LSE
Rania Putri
Research Assistant
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Goksu Zeybek
Research Assistant
University of Chicago
Anne-Sophie Neyra
Department of Government, LSE
Zita von Bonin
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Ines McCairley
Electoral Psychology Observatory