Michael BRUTER
Professor of Political Science and European Politics
Department of Government
The London School of Economics and Political Science
London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) 7792 028905
Born 16 April 1975 in Nice (France).
French Citizenship.
Languages: Fluent in French, English and Spanish. Basic Russian.
Permanent positions:
2001- :Professor (Tenured) of Political Science (previously associate professor/reader, associate professor and lecturer): Department of Government, LSE. [Teaching: Research methods, EU politics, elections, public opinion, identities, European politics, political psychology.]
1999-2001: Lecturer in Politics: Department of Politics, University of Hull.
[Teaching: quantitative and qualitative methods, EU politics, European politics, comparative
political institutions, comparative political behaviour, French politics.]
1997-1999: Teaching Assistant in Political Science: Department of Political Science, University of Houston (USA). [Teaching: West European politics, comparative politics, American electoral behaviour.]
Visiting positions (current, continuing, and past):
2017: Europa Visiting Fellow, Australian National University
2010-: Associate Member, Centre for the Study of Democracy, McGill University, Montreal
2011: Visiting professor, Universität Salzburg
2010: Visiting professor, Department of Political Science, Columbia University, New York
2011: Visiting professor, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Bordeaux
2010: Visiting professor, Universidad Nacional de Chile
2007: Visiting scholar: University of Melbourne
2007: Guest lecturer – experimental methodology: European University Institute
2006-: Visiting professor, National Centre for Research on Europe, University of Canterbury
2004-: Visiting professor/fellow, Australian National University, National Europe Centre.
2004-2006: Visiting lecturer, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg
2001: Visiting lecturer, Ramkhamaeng University Bangkok.
Grants and Funding:
(selection – full list of 30 grants, totalling over € 5 million available upon request)
2019: European Research Council, Advanced Grand, ELHO – €2.5 million
2018: Economic and Social Research Council, First and Foremost – £720,000
2018: KEISG Grant, Electoral Almanac – £109,000
2016: Horizon 2020, European Research Council Proof of Concept grant. FIRSTTIME – €150,000
2013: EU 7th Framework, Marie Curie Grant. EMOCITI (Sophie Lecheler) – €111,000
2011: European Commission. Youth participation in Europe. Research consultancy – € 250,000
2010: European Research Council. Inside the Mind of a Voter – € 1,199,000
2010: EU 7th Framework. KEENZ – Outside perceptions of the European Union – € 250,000
2010: Columbia-LSE with Robert Erikson – partnership grant – $ 20,000
2009: ESRC. Feeling European? – £195,000
2008: SEED: Extreme right politics in seven European democracies. £ 33,500
2006: STICERD: The ideological preferences of extreme right elites in seven countries. £5,000
2006: SEED: Understanding political protest in Europe: A six country comparison. £ 19,000
2005: With Sarah Harrison: The extreme right – a pilot three country comparison £10,000
2005: With Robert Erikson: A simulation-based model of party programme choices. $ 15,000
2004: Leverhulme. The motivations of young party members in 6 democracies. 2004-2007. £55,000
2002: STICERD. ‘Between cynicism and idealism: European citizens and participation. £5,000
2000: ESRC. Understanding Identity Realignments: Symbols, news, and European identity. £16,000
Best International Research Award, Market Research Society for “Inside the Mind of a Voter” (2013)
Shortlisted Best International Research Award, Market Research Society for “Feeling European” (2014)
Published or under Contract:
2019: Homo Suffragator: Citizens’ Electoral Psychology in Six Democracies. (Under contract, Princeton University Press) with Sarah Harrison
2016: Youth participation in Europe: In between hope and disillusion. (Palgrave) with Cammaerts, Banaji, Harrison, and Anstead
2013: Political Science Research Methods in Action. (Palgrave). Co-edited with Martin Lodge.
2012: Asia in the Eyes of Europe: Images of a Rising Giant. (Nomos). Co-edited with Sebastian Bersick, Natalia Chaban, Sol Iglesias, and Ronan Lenihan.
2011: Mapping Extreme Right Ideology. Palgrave MacMillan. With Sarah Harrison.
2009: The Future of our Democracies? Young Party Members in 6 European Democracies. Palgrave MacMillan. With Sarah Harrison.
2007: Encyclopaedia of European Parliament Elections. Bruter, Michael and Deloye, Yves, editors. Palgrave Macmillan. French version published by Economica in 2005.
2005: Citizens of Europe?: The Emergence of a Mass European Identity. Palgrave-MacMillan.
2017: ‘Understanding the emotional act of voting’. Nature (Human Behaviour). Vol. 1
2014: ‘The myth of youth apathy’ American Behavioral Scientist vol 58.5: 645-664 ( with Sarah Harrison, Bart Cammaerts, Shaku Banaji, and Nick Anstead)
2011: ‘Europolity? 7 articles about European integration’. Salzburg Papers in European Integration 3:11.
2010: ‘Uncertain candidates, valence, and the dynamics of candidate position taking’. With R.S. Erikson and A. Strauss. Public Choice. Vol. 144: 153-168.
2009: ‘Time Bomb: The Dynamic Effects of Media and Symbols on European Identity.’ In Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 42.12
2009: ‘Tomorrow’s Leaders? A Model of Young Party Members’ Motivations in 6 European Democracies.’ With Sarah Harrison. In Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 42.10.
2008: ‘Media, identity, and the European Public Sphere’ in Journal of Contemporary European Research.
2007: ‘Une Mauvaise Voisine: Une Reflexion Comparee sur la Science Politique et les Sciences Sociales.’ Association Francaise de Science Politique – La Science Politique en Debat.
2007 : European Union – from backdoor to front’ in Open Democracy 3.7
2006: ‘Symbols of Europe and European Identity’ in WeltTrends December.
2005 : ‘Political Identities and Public Policy: Institutional Messages and the Politics.’ In Refugee Survey Quarterly vol.24.4: 43-46
2005: ‘Developments in the Member-States’ in Journal of Common Market Studies annual review.
2004: ‘On what Citizens Mean by Feeling “European”: Perceptions of News, Symbols, and Borderless-ness’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.(January)
2004: ‘Developments in the Member-States’ in Journal of Common Market Studies annual review (September): 135-152.
2003: ‘Winning Hearts and Minds for Europe: the impact of news and symbols on civic and cultural European identity’. Comparative Political Studies (December)
2003: ‘Developments in the Member-States’ in Journal of Common Market Studies annual review. (September): 137-156.
1999: ‘Diplomacy without a State: the external delegations of the European Commission’ in Journal of European Public Policy 6/2 (June): 183-205.
In preparation, revision or ready for submission/re-submission:
“Beyond negativity: emotional news effects” (article, with Sophie Lecheler and Sarah Harrison), under review Political Communication
“Through the polling curtain” (article, with Sarah Harrison)
“Voters emotions inside the polling booth”
‘Making sociotropic citizens – memory, emotions, and sociotropic voting in US Presidential election’ (with Sarah Harrison)
‘The effects of electoral experience on democratic satisfaction – a new model of electoral psychology in US Presidential election’
‘The politics of distrust.’ (with Eri Bertsou and Sarah Harrison)
CHAPTERS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS – [partial list – full list available upon request]
2016: The impact of Brexit on Consumer Behaviour. Report to stakeholders
2016: ‘A visual experiment on voters in the polling booth’ in Blais (ed). Electoral Experiments. NY: Springer
2015: Electoral psychology and reliability of election polls: interview in Nature.
2014: European identities. Scoping paper for the ESRC “UK in a changing Europe” initiative (2014)
2014: Le vote des jeunes – policy report for the ANACEJ, France, (with Anne-Julie Clary, 2014)
2014: ‘Media and identity: the paradox of legitimacy and the making of European citizens’ (with Sarah Harrison) in Risse, T. (ed) European Public Spheres: Bringing Politics Back in. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
2013: ‘European identity – a clash of generations’ in Puntscher-Riekman S. and Wydra D. (ed) New approaches to European identity and solidarity (forthcoming)
2013: Youth participation in democratic life – policy report for the European Commission, (with Bart Cammaerts, Shaku Banaji, Sarah Harrison, and Nick Anstead)
2012: ‘The difficult emergence of a European people’ in Hayward, J. and Wurzel, R. (eds). European Disunion: The Multidimensional Power Struggles. Basingstoke: Palgrave
2010: ‘The paradox of European democracy’ in T. Trifonova et al. Controversies in European Union democracy. European Parliament publications.
2009: ‘Ein Spiel von Schuldzuweisungen? Politiker, Institutionen und die europaeische Identitaet der Buerger’ in T. Meyer and J. Eisenberg (eds). Europäische Identität als Projekt: Innen- und Außensichten. Springer. 47-64.
2009: ‘Truths and myths on citizens’ opinion of European institutions’ in T. Meyer and U. Vorholt (eds). Identität in Europa. Dortmund UP.
2008: ‘Europe from Within, Europe from Without: Perceptions of the EU in the Asia Pacific.’ In N. Chaban and M. Holland (eds). The European Union and the Asia Pacific.
2008: ‘In the face of Europe: Citizens, symbols, and European identity’ in T. Meyer and U. Vorholt (eds). Identitaet in Europa. Bochum: Projektverlag: 31-58.
2006: ‘European Integration and Regional Governance’ in M. Bevir et al. (eds) Encyclopaedia of Political Science. Seven Oaks: Sage
2005: ‘Voting Behaviour in European Capital Regions: The case of London. In Vanaclocha (ed). Voting Behaviour in European Capital Regions (New York: Dykinson)
2005: ‘Changing Diplomacy with a Changing Non-State? The External Delegations of the European Union and the New EU Constitution’ in Beneyto, JM et al. (eds) European Union at Twenty-Five: Political and Economics Challenges. Madrid: Dykinson: 65-71.
Articles in Deloye, Y. (ed) Dictionnaire des Elections Europeennes. Paris: Economica (2005) French equivalent of the Encyclopaedia of European Election published with Palgrave MacMillan. (See books)
2004 ‘Measuring European identity: lessons from a comparative pilot study on the emergence of a mass European identity in Britain, France, and the Netherlands’ in Thomas Risse, Richard Herrmann, Marilyn Brewer (eds). Europeanization and Multiple Identities.
2000: ‘From international co-operation to identity: four phases of development of French public opinion on Europe’ in Teresa Lunati and Suzanne Stern-Gillet (eds). Historical, Cultural, Socio-Political and Economic Perspectives on Europe. London: Edwin Mellen
2000: Urbanity and European Identity. Hull: Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Union Studies: Research Papers Series.
1999: ‘Governments’ attitudes and public opinion in Central and Eastern Europe: is there a common European conception of human rights’ in Len Costa and Stephen Fromhart (eds). East Meets West: The Challenge of Enlarging the European Union. New York: Columbia University. 151-163.
1998: ‘Between community and unity: the symbols of European integration’ in Georgetown University Center for German and European Studies: The Future of European Integration. Washington D.C.: CGES.
Professional Functions and consultancy:
2019: Chair of two evaluation panels in political science, Cyprus research quality experience agency
2019: Member STEER panel, Finland Academy of Science
2018-: Member Grant Application panel, Economic and Social Research Council
2017-: Judge, Political Studies Association, McDougall prize for best dissertation in elections study
2016-: Member, political science panel European Research Council (Starting Grants)
2016: Member evaluation panel Flemish Evaluation Agency
2014- : Member, political science panel European Research Council (Consolidator Grants).
2014-: Member, political science panel Finland Academy of Science.
2014 : Asked by the ESRC to write the scoping piece on “Identities” for the “UK in a changing Europe” ESRC initiative and presenter at the London and Brussels Town Meetings.
2013- : Member, award committee, International Electoral Stakeholders Awards
2013: Member of the AERES evaluation panel for Sciences Po Paris
2012-: Member Economic and Social Research Council, Peer review college
2006-: Member of the editorial board, Social Science Quarterly (USA)
2000-2001: Editor of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Union Studies Research Papers Series (ISSN 0968 9281).
1999-2001 : Member of the Executive Board and Researcher: Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Union Studies. In charge of the Centre’s academic workshops and conferences.
Consultancy: European Union, Council of Europe, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lansons Public Relations, South African Electoral Commission, Mauritius Government, Georgia Central Electoral Commission, ICPS, etc
Media consultancy and interviews: Major international press agencies (AFP, Reuters, etc), tv channels (including BBC, Channel 4, Sky TV, Channel 5 in the UK, CBS in the USA, TF1, France 2, France 5 in France, CBC in Canada, TSR in Switzerland, RTBF in Belgium, etc), and newspapers and magazines in over fifty countries.
Articles in non-academic publications: Guardian, E-Sharp, Liberation, Figaro, Chronicle of Higher Education, etc.
2001: University of Houston, USA: PhD. Dissertation and comprehensive exams with distinctions in comparative politics, research methods and American politics; grade point average: 3.85
1998: University of Bordeaux, France: DEA (Master’s) with Distinction in European Political and Economic History.
1997: University of Hull, UK: MA with Distinction in European Studies.
1996: Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux, France: Diplôme (Bachelor’s).
Examples of keynote lectures, organised events, and invited presentations
Organised or key public events – examples:
Presentation of the findings of the ‘Feeling European’ project at the Houses of Parliament (May 2012 – report later discussed in the debate on the EU bill at the House of Lords; Presentation of the findings on the electoral psychology of the Georgian Voter, European Parliament (January 2014), also similar events forthcoming in Paris, and New York) etc.
Organised presentations and workshops – examples:
Organisation of the ‘impact of Brexit on consumer behaviour’ stakeholders event, Bloomsbury House, Organisation of the first international conference in electoral psychology, LSE, (two day event). Organisation of the ECREP workshop series (six workshops to date since October 2014), conference on cynicism and idealism in Western democracies (LSE), workshop on European identity (LSE), workshop on European identity and citizenship (Hull University),
Keynote speeches and invited presentation – examples:
European Business Summit, House of Lords even on Brexit, EU Presidency meeting on youth participation, Council of Europe meeting on young people and the vote, ANACEJ annual conference, EU-Canada Conference on Youth Policy, Chilean Presidency, the French Political Science Association, the European Parliament, the New Zealand Parliament, and numerous universities including the European University Institute, Nuffield College Oxford, Trinity College Dublin, the Australian National University, the Genshagen Foundation, the University of Melbourne, Auckland University, University of Canterbury New Zealand, University of Sheffield, University College London, University of Bangor, University Paris I Sorbonne, University of Edinburgh, the University of Dortmund, University of Zurich, University of Osnabrueck, Nuit des Idees, Lund University, etc.
Conference presentations
Over 100 presentations in the past 10 years including American Political Science Association, International Political Science Association, Midwest Political Science Association, Asian Political Science Associations, etc. Fully list available upon request.
Miscellaneous Professional Experience:
Research Consulting for several Electoral Commissions, Governments, European Commission, Council of Europe, Committee of the Regions, etc.
Over 100 articles referring to my research in mainstream media including Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Economist, Newsweek, all main British newspapers, Spiegel, Le Monde, Liberation, BBC, CBC, TF1, etc.
Articles on my current research projects in La Recherche, the Guardian Higher Education supplement, Psychology Magazine, as well as TV interviews on Thinkovery.
Member of various professional associations including APSA, UACES, EPOP, PSA, ID-NET, etc.
Reviewer for numerous major journals, including: APSR, AJPS, CPS, BJPS, CP, EJPR, JOP, etc.
Reviewer for numerous publishers including Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Stanford University Press, Princeton University Press, Manchester University Press, Polity, etc.
External examiner at Trinity College Dublin and Birbeck College London.
Has served on recruitment committees for professional appointments in the UK, France and USA.
Has served as external or internal examiner for theses in the UK, France, Australia, New Zealand.
Has served as member of several British, European, and American awards committees
PhD students include: Sarah Harrison (The extreme right in France, Britain, and Germany), Achim Goerres (the political participation of the elderly), Pierre Hausemer (Representation in the European Parliament), Chiara Jasson (Framing the EU Constitution), Apostolis Dimitropoulos (student mobility and European citizenship), Outi Ruusurvita (Voting Advice Applications and European democracy), Julie Vogt (European regional co-operation and European identity), Philippine Rudolf (the public opinion of food, science, and risk), Eri Bertsou (The psychology of political distrust), Elena Pupaza (migrants and minorities’ attitudes towards immigration).
The EPO team
Michael Bruter
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Sarah Harrison
Electoral Psychology Observatory.
Laura Serra
Core Researcher
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Sandra Obradović
Core Researcher
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Asli Ceren Cinar
PhD Student
Department of Government, LSE
Mukulika Banerjee
Associate Member
Department of Anthropology, LSE
Eri Bertsou
Associate Member
Department of Political Science, University of Zurich
Florian Foos
Associate Member
Department of Government, LSE
Sarah Hobolt
Associate Member
Department of Government, LSE
Mathias Poertner
Associate Member
Department of Government, LSE
Sophie Lecheler
Associate Member
Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Annick Masselot
Associate Member
School of Law, University of Canterbury
Srishti Ghulani
Research Assistant
Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science, LSE
Agnese Moroni
Research Assistant
Department of Government, LSE
Vida Fatemi
Research Assistant
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Quido Haškovec
Research Assistant
Department of Government, LSE
Eponine Howarth
Research Assistant
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Courtney Leung
Research Assistant
University of Chicago
Sophia Michel
Research Assistant
University of Chicago
Luke Mansillo
Research Assistant
University of Sydney
Ginny Moruzzi
Research Assistant
Department of Government, LSE
Rania Putri
Research Assistant
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Goksu Zeybek
Research Assistant
University of Chicago
Anne-Sophie Neyra
Department of Government, LSE
Zita von Bonin
Electoral Psychology Observatory
Ines McCairley
Electoral Psychology Observatory