

Franchise & Registration

  • Franchise Age: 18
  • Compulsory Vote: Not compulsory
  • Eligibility Exception: mental illness, criminal conviction, allegiance to a foreign State
  • Registration Type: Automatic registration
  • Registration Basis: Residence requirement

Election Management & Enforcement

  • Nameof EMB: Central Electoral Commission
  • Independent EMB: Yes
  • EMBNominations: One Member by Each Party or Alliance, One Member by President of Republic, One Member by Decision of the Parliamentary Group, One Judge from ten Cassation Couty appointed by the Cassation Court - The composition of the Central Electoral Commission shall be approved by a decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia on the basis of nominations
  • EMBTenure: 6 Years
  • Who Runs Election: Election Management Body
  • Nameof Elect Enforcement Body: Constitutional Court

Candidacy & Campaign Rules

  • Restrictto Candidacy: have the right to vote, be over 25 years old, not hold the citizenship of another state, and have been an Armenian citizen for the previous five years with a permanent residence in the country during this period.
  • Debate Mandatory Number: Not mandatory
  • Campaign Length Average: 14
  • Debate Mandatory Number: Not mandatory
  • Official Media Campaign: OSCE Report 2018: The media environment is diverse and the freedom of expression, guaranteed by the Constitution, was respected. Television is the primary source of political information, and the use of online media and social networks is significant. The ODIHR EOM media monitoring showed that the broadcasters made a visible effort to cover all electoral contestants, contributing to the diversity of information available for voters to make an informed choice. Many private outlets appear to be strongly associated with political parties, with some demonstrating clear preference. The public television provided a reasonably balanced coverage. Positively, a number of media, including the public television, organized genuine debates, bringing together candidates from all the contestants.
  • Opinion Polls Embargo: Embargo on election day only

Electoral System & Organisation

  • Elect System Main Election: Mixed
  • Main Election Type: Parliamentary
  • Referenda_Law: The draft submitted to a referendum shall be considered to have been passed if it receives more than fifty percent of the votes, but not less than one fourth of the number of registered voters. Source: Law on Referendum of the Republic of Armenia (2001), art. 35 (2), 36: (*) (2013); Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, art. 113: (*) (2013).
  • Referenda_Binding: Always Binding
  • Voting Machine: None
  • Vote IDRequired: ID check compulsory
  • Polling Card: No polling card
  • National Holiday Elect Day: Never
  • Districting Source: EMB
  • Districting Flexibility: Central Electoral Committee of the Republic of Armenia of the President of Armenia, Urban and Regional Electoral Commissions of the President Elections of the Republic of Armenia, Precinct Electoral Commissions of the President Elections of the Republic of Armenia - three-tier election administration: the CEC, 56 TECs (coinciding with 56 parliamentary constituencies) and approximately 1,865 PECs
  • Frequency Districting Change: 4

Polling Station

  • Average Voterby Polling Station: 1231
  • Maximum Ratio: 2000
  • Normal Opening Time Poll Station: 08:00
  • Normal Closing Time Poll Station: 2000
  • Numberof Booths Per Station: One booth per 750 voters
  • Booths Layout: Fill Out Ballot Privately' - Electoral Code
  • Numberof Ballot Boxesper Station: More than one ballot box may be used, procedures defined by the Central Electoral Commission
  • Polling Station Numbers: 1865
  • Listof Polling Station Buildings: The Head of the community shall be responsible for designating the location of a polling station and the polling room, as well as for furnishing the polling room. A polling station may not be located within the premises occupied by military educational institutions, military units and health care institutions.
  • Choiceof Polling Station Buildings: Head of the Community'
  • Decision For Opening Time Variations: Electoral Code
  • Accessibility Requirement: OSCE Report 2003: Should focus on accessibility for disabled
  • Numberof Ballot Boxesper Station: More than one ballot box may be used, procedures defined by the Central Electoral Commission
  • Ballot Box Transparency: Transparent
  • Box Feeding System: Voter
  • Vote Receipt: No receipt
  • Count Locallyor Centrally: locally
  • Manualor Automatic Count: manual

Ballot Paper

  • Ballot Type: Paper
  • Singleor Multi Paper Ballot: Single
  • Max Numberof Votesper Ballot: 2
  • Ballot Paper Type Description: Individual ballot papers of same sizes shall be printed for each political party running in elections of the National Assembly. The ballot paper of each political party running in elections must, on its left and right sides, have a marking in black, symmetrical to the vertical axis aligned with the number of that political party so that it enables to identify from the side view of the bundle the availability of a ballot paper of another political party in that bundle.
  • Ballot Paper Type Photo Upload: YES
  • Ballot Paper Size: Article 59 - The ballot envelope shall be made from opaque paper. The sample and sizes of the ballot envelope shall be established by the Central Electoral Commission in such a way as it enables the self-adhesive stamp to be posted on the ballot paper in the envelope.
  • Ballot Colour: All must be same colour
  • Denominationof Candor Parties: Full name
  • Candidor Parties Information: Special Places' 'conveniently accessible for voters'
  • Orderof Candidatesor Parties: alphabetical

Remote Voting

  • Temporal Remote Voting: No
  • Geographical Remote Voting: Automatic right
  • Personal Remote Voting: No
  • Remote Voting List: mobile polling stations, absentee voting certificate
  • Mobile Polling Stations: Past Use

Special Needs

  • Provision First Time Voters: Council of Europe: The awareness raising project part of the Long-term Electoral Assistance Program (The series of election simulation games, so called mock elections, was launched within a First-time voters awareness)
  • Provision Linguistic Ethnic Minorites: Bilingual Website
  • Provision Blind Voters: Website of EMB for visually impaired
  • Over Representation Vuln Group: electoral law requires that four seats for ethnic minorities (one Russians, Yezidis, Assyrians and Kurds each) are allocated in the National Assembly

Targeted Initiatives

  • Transparency Initiative: For the April 2017 national assembly elections, Armenia used electronic voting machines and live video feeds of polling stations to avoid vote rigging.

Inclusivity Provisions